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Today, we’re diving into a common issue many homeowners face: repairing a wooden garage door. Wooden doors are beautiful and durable, but like all materials, they can succumb to wear and tear, particularly from weather and rot. If you’re facing issues with your wooden garage door, you’re in the right place for an IGI door.

Remove the Board from All of the Hardware

Our project begins with the bottom board of the garage door, which has unfortunately rotted out and is causing issues with the bottom rollers. On one side, the board has detached completely, causing the door to lean and flex the wheel, which prevents the door from closing properly. The first step in our repair process is to carefully remove the board from all the hardware holding it in place.

Address Some of the Issues with the Door

Address Some of the Issues with the Door

With the board removed, the next step involves addressing other structural issues. We’ll remove the rollers completely to achieve a flush cut at the bottom of the door, removing any decayed material. It’s crucial to ensure that all loose panels are resecured. We’ll achieve this by positioning them back into place and fastening them securely with a staple nailer.

Use a 2×4 as Our Bottom Plate for the Door

After ensuring the door’s integrity, the real work begins. We’ll use a circular saw to create a straight cut across the bottom, preparing it to host a new 2×4 as the bottom plate. This not only ensures a sturdy base but also provides an affordable and effective solution to reinforce the structure of your door.

Drill a Hole for Our Bottom Plate

Drill a Hole for Our Bottom Plate

Once the 2×4 is aligned, we’ll proceed to drill holes for securing it with bolts. We’re using a quarter-inch two-inch bolt, which will go from the outside of the door through the new plate, secured with a washer and a nylon nut. This method guarantees that the bottom plate is not only aligned but also firmly attached, enhancing the door’s durability and functionality.


Repairing a wooden garage door might seem daunting, but with the right tools and a bit of patience, it’s a task that you can accomplish over a weekend. This repair will not only save you money but also extend the life of your door, ensuring it continues to look great and function smoothly.

If you’re not comfortable undertaking this repair yourself or if you encounter more severe issues, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals. At IGI Garage Doors, we specialize in wooden garage door repair throughout the Toronto area. Our expert team is ready to restore the beauty and functionality of your door efficiently and effectively.

Need Help with Your Wooden Garage Door Repair?

Don’t let a faulty garage door inconvenience you any longer! IGI Garage Doors is your local expert in all types of garage door repairs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see why homeowners trust us for reliable, high-quality service. Your perfectly functioning garage door is just a call away! Contact Us